The imam unites believers in all their celebrations, and the most important of them are collective and universal, as the two major annual events : the End of Fasting, and the Sacrifice .
The feast of breaking the fast , or 'id al fitr is celebrated after completing Ramadan , fasting month , dedicated this day of thanksgiving to God for believers to have had the grace to fast and access to the divine mercy .
Feast of Sacrifice, Id al Adha . It is so named because that day is advisable to sacrifice an animal as an offering , part of the meat is then distributed to the needy , and some to friends and relatives. This festival commemorates the sacrifice of Abraham, who never hesitated to offer up to God her firstborn son, Ishmael, who at the time of being consumed was replaced by a lamb, by the divine opinion .
The animal offerings may be : lamb , goat, or camel calf . Must be sacrificed after the Eid prayer , and that is healthy condition without any physical defect , and that is sacrificed in the name of God, and quickly and less painful for the animal.
In this event , according to its spirit , it is customary to exchange visits with friends , relatives and neighbors. They forget the misunderstandings and the reasons for disengagement. And, fundamentally, is the spirit of this event that believers visit and gifts to the poor, widows , orphans , disabled and the institutions that house them.
On how to express the joy in these Islamic parties and say that differs from the celebrations of non-Muslims in general. The joy of believers is reflected in the praise and love for God and His glorification, and prayer , and not by excesses or sins, or by drinking or sensual dances .
As delighted by the festivities , Muslims held a special prayer , called Salat the ' ID Muslims , if possible , go to the mosque , men and women, great and small, old and young, and even nursing mothers , dressed in their finest clothes. Even women in menstrual period come the day of Id , in the place of prayer , but not participate in prayer for not being in a state of purification. And the prophet recommended that all women attend during these two holidays to places of worship.
Is usually held in open space , very broad, if environmental conditions permit, or if not in the mosques. Before the prayer glorifying God with the Dhikr , generally is as follows:
"Allahu akbar , Allahu akbar , Allahu akbar , la ilaha illa Allah wa Allahu Akbar - Allahu akbar wa lil lahil hamd -
lahu akbar Al Kabira - lil hamdu wal Katira Lahi - wa subhan
Al Lahi wa asylum bukratan ilaha illa Allah wa dina Mujlisina Lahoud karihal Kafirun law . "
Ie: "God is the greatest (three times). There is no God but Allah, and Allah is the greatest. God is bigger with the all praise . God is great between large and blessing be upon him in abundance. May He be glorified and praised day and night, there is no god but God, we surrender to Him with sincerity, although this is odious to the infidels. "
When the sun has risen and is completely visible , the imam stands up, and without Adhan or Iqama prayer is held , two genuflections . Pronounced first takbeer ( Allahu akbar ) of the sentence , and repeated seven times, then recites the Surah Fatiha and another short of the Koran and then proceed as in other prayers. In the second genuflection is said takbeer six times, completing the salat as directed to any sentence of two rak'ahs .
After the prayer, the imam develops a sermon or speech similar to the Friday, but in relation to the festival and calls for forgiveness , love and goodness.
Meanwhile the conclusion of the Salat Eid, is from after sunrise until noon, and this is at the discretion of the imam , according to the conditions of Muslims and place. In the two festivals is not to fast.